- construct
T construct(string file, size_t line, bool setTraceback, A args)
Construct a throwable in place
- constructFmt
T constructFmt(string file, size_t line, string fmt, A args)
T constructFmt(string file, size_t line, A args)
Construct a Throwable, formatting the message
- get
Throwable get()
Get the Throwable stored in the buffer
- set
Throwable set(Throwable t, bool setTraceback)
Set the exception that buffer is to hold.
- setMsg
void setMsg(const(char)[] msg2, Throwable tobj)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- setTraceback
void setTraceback(Throwable tobj)
set a Throwable's backtrace to the current point.
Static buffer for storing no GC exceptions